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Publication of Carbon Emissions Data

Once your company has collected all necessary data and calculated its Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, the next crucial step is the publication of this data. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to effectively publish your carbon emissions data.

Preparing Your Emissions Report

To prepare a comprehensive and accurate emissions report, follow these steps:

  1. Summary of Emissions:

    • Provide an overview of your total emissions, broken down by Scope 1, 2, and 3. This gives a clear picture of your company's overall emissions.
    • Use tables and charts to visually represent the data for better understanding. Visual aids can help stakeholders quickly grasp the key points.
  2. Methodology:

    • Detail the methodologies used for data collection and calculation. This includes explaining the processes and tools used.
    • Specify data sources, conversion factors, and any assumptions made during the calculation process. Transparency in your methodology enhances the credibility of your report.
  3. Year-on-Year Comparison:

    • Include data from previous years to illustrate trends and progress in emissions reduction. This helps in tracking your company's performance over time.
  4. Reduction Targets and Achievements:

    • State your emissions reduction targets. Clear targets provide a goal for the company to strive towards.
    • Document the steps taken towards achieving these targets and the progress made. This demonstrates your company’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint.
  5. Verification:

    • Enhance the credibility of your report by having it verified by an independent third party, if possible. Third-party verification adds an additional layer of trust.
    • Include the verification statement and details of the verifying body. This provides assurance to stakeholders about the accuracy of your data.

Publication Channels

Choosing the right channels for publishing your emissions data ensures that it reaches your stakeholders effectively:

  1. Annual Report:

    • Integrate your emissions data into your company’s annual sustainability or CSRD report. This ensures that your emissions data is part of the broader narrative of your company’s sustainability efforts.
    • Ensure the report is accessible and well-structured to provide clarity to stakeholders. A well-organized report makes it easier for readers to find and understand the information.
  2. Online Disclosure:

    • Publish the emissions report on your company’s website. Online publication makes your data accessible to a wide audience.
    • Create a dedicated section for sustainability or environmental impact to make the information easily accessible. This helps interested parties find all relevant information in one place.
  3. Regulatory Submission:

    • Submit your emissions data to relevant EU regulatory bodies as required. Compliance with regulatory requirements is mandatory for legal and operational integrity.
    • Follow specific submission guidelines provided by each regulatory framework. Adhering to guidelines ensures that your submissions are accepted without issues.

Best Practices for Transparent Reporting

Adopting best practices in your reporting process ensures that your data is reliable and credible:

  • Accuracy:
    • Ensure all data is precise and calculations are correct. Accuracy is fundamental to the credibility of your report.
  • Consistency:
    • Maintain consistency in methodologies and conversion factors year-on-year. Consistent methods allow for meaningful comparisons over time.
  • Transparency:
    • Clearly disclose all methodologies, data sources, and any limitations or uncertainties. Transparency builds trust with stakeholders.
  • Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Engage with stakeholders by providing opportunities for feedback and addressing their concerns in your reporting. Engagement helps improve the relevance and accuracy of your reports.

Steps for Effective Publication

To effectively publish your carbon emissions data, follow these steps:

  1. Draft the Report:

    • Compile all data and findings into a comprehensive report. This includes integrating all sections such as summary, methodology, comparisons, and achievements.
    • Include all necessary sections such as summary, methodology, comparisons, and achievements. Ensure that each section is detailed and informative.
  2. Review and Verify:

    • Have the report reviewed internally and, if possible, externally verified. Internal reviews help catch errors, while external verification adds credibility.
    • Address any feedback and ensure all information is accurate and transparent. Incorporating feedback improves the quality and reliability of your report.
  3. Publish and Promote:

    • Publish the report through selected channels (annual report, website). Choose channels that are accessible to your target audience.
    • Promote the publication through press releases, social media, and stakeholder communications. Promotion ensures that your report reaches a wide audience.
  4. Engage and Update:

    • Engage with stakeholders by inviting feedback and responding to queries. Engagement helps build trust and improve future reports.
    • Regularly update the published data to reflect any changes or new findings. Keeping your data current maintains its relevance and accuracy.


Publishing your company's carbon emissions data is a critical step towards transparency and regulatory compliance. By following the guidelines you can ensure that your reporting is thorough and accurate. Ensure that you are complying to any reporting regulations that might apply for your company to enhance your company’s credibility and demonstrate your commitment to sustainability.