📄️ Introduction
Discover how BeWo empowers your business with world-class CO2e calculations and seamless integration using your ERP systems.
📄️ Core Concepts
Understand the key terms and concepts essential for using BeWo effectively.
📄️ World-Class CO2e Calculations
Discover how BeWo leverages ERP systems and AI to deliver accurate Scope 1, 2, and 3 CO2e emissions calculations using methodologies from the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
📄️ Authentication & Workspaces
Learn how to log in and manage your BeWo workspaces, including email/password and single sign-on methods.
📄️ ERP Systems for Scope 1, 2 & 3
Discover how leveraging your ERP system as the source of truth enhances accuracy, trustworthiness, and auditability in CO2e emissions reporting.